Electrolux Model L

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Post# 154872 , Reply# 2 &nbsp 10/10/2011 at 16:02 (3,636 days old) by normvac (COLUMBUS, OHIO) &nbsp     &nbsp
Torquise Model L What a great machine, have had at least 2 of them over the years. It was the “Budget” model “L” which went with the 1205, starting in the late 60’s, then

evolving in basicly color only. As Lux went to the 50th anv. model, biege and tan. the L went to a beige color. then as the Super J came out things did not

change much on the L. I think the Gold one was next, but can not remember the

Reg. Model lux that it was the budget to? Someone help me out or correct me if

I am wrong on the order of evolvment. The L ended when the new plastic body machines came out. The Ambasitor, Model 90, and so on, were made in the Georgia

plant. The early ones, sold for awhile at Catalog Discount Retail stores. Like

Service Merchandise here in Ohio area. They had the same hose connection to the

machine that the Canadian models had. I have two of the plastic case ones that I

have used for at least 10 years. Great suction with New Hoses, of course.

Post# 155365 , Reply# 14 &nbsp 10/14/2011 at 00:08 (3,632 days old) by collector2 (Moose Jaw, Sk) &nbsp     &nbsp

Hi guys:

If memory serves correctly there were 4 versions of the L

The first was white with teal trim and was out with the teal model G

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The second was tan with brown trim and out with the brown model G

The third was blue with white trim and was out with both the 1205 and the Golden J

The last was gold with white trim and was out with the Super J

Post# 155395 , Reply# 16 &nbsp 10/14/2011 at 10:41 (3,632 days old) by kloveland Electrolux Model L (Tulsa, OK) &nbsp     &nbsp

The cord winder pictured above will not fit your Model L. There are two screws on each side that hold the cord winder in place. To install a cord winder you simply removed the halo, and put the cord winder in its place.

Nice model L by the way. I enjoy using both of mine.

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Post# 156773 , Reply# 27 &nbsp 10/24/2011 at 21:36 (3,621 days old) by aeoliandave (Stratford Ontario Canada) &nbsp     &nbsp
That’s normal, Erik

The model L is the economy model to the G etc and does not have a switch interlock or there would be some sort of sprung metal tab or rod on the door’s upper trim edge, adjacent to the latch, engaged by the bag gasket. Also the switch is in back over the motor exhaust and is a sideways slider, unlike the G etc rocker switches easy to connect to a long trigger rod.


Electrolux Model L

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